Business Informatics

Study Business Informatics!
Set yourself up broadly with a degree in Business Information Systems (Bachelor of Science) and acquire an in-depth knowledge of informatics in combination with a wide range of business knowledge.
Dual study:
With us, you don't have to spend three years learning theory up and down. In the dual study programme in business informatics, theory blocks alternate with practical phases at your employer. You get involved right from the start and apply what you have learned directly.
Broad range of tasks:
Business informatics is an interface discipline that combines computer science, economics and especially business administration. In addition to technical and analytical skills, business informatics graduates have very good communication and project management skills. You can find the qualification goals here.
3 degrees in 3 years:
In addition to the Bachelor's degree, you can also obtain a vocational qualification and the instructor qualification in the three years at the DHSH. Students of business informatics can choose between training as digitalisation management assistants (IHK), IT system management assistants (IHK) and IT specialists (IHK) in the four fields of system integration, application development, data and process analysis and digital networking. The examination before the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) takes place after 2.5 years.

1a Future prospects:
After successfully completing a dual study programme in business informatics, you will take on challenging tasks within your company. The diverse range of assignments includes, for example, software development, data science, IT consulting, e-business and project management for (IT) projects.
Many paths are open to you: Your ability to efficiently create scientifically sound analyses and practical solutions are sought-after skills on the labour market. Employers from a wide range of industries such as trade, energy supply, banking and insurance, health and social services and, of course, information and telecommunications are looking for qualified business informatics specialists.
Study location:
We offer the Bachelor's programme in Business Information Systems at the study locations Kiel and Lübeck. If you do not live in Kiel or Lübeck, you can rent a room in one of our guest houses.
Credit points:
180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) are required for the Bachelor's degree. As this is a dual study programme, the practical phases of the study programme in companies are an important component. The distribution of the modules including the Bachelor's thesis and the colloquium in relation to the ECTS is as follows:
⋅ Compulsory modules: 130
⋅ Compulsory elective modules: 20
⋅ Practical phase projects: 18
⋅ Bachelor thesis and colloquium: 12
Course of study:
The three years of study are each divided into two study semesters. Each semester is divided into a practical part in the company (practical phase) and a theoretical part at the Schleswig-Holstein Cooperative State University (theory phase). You can find the exact schedule here.
Study requirements and application procedure:
You can find out about the study requirements and how to apply here.
You can find an overview of the partner companies here.