Course structure

Contents of the Bachelor's programme in Social Work
Practical projects
There are a total of six practice projects (two practice phase projects and four practice transfer projects):
- Practical phase projects (PPP): These are found in the second and fourth semesters. They are worked on in their entirety in the practical phase following the relevant theory block, and the resulting project work must be handed in at the beginning of the following theory block. The topic is not linked to specific modules or contents of the degree programme, but can be determined freely by the partner company in consultation with you and the university supervisor, as long as it meets the requirements of the degree programme Social Work (B.A.) in terms of type and scope.
- Practice transfer projects (PTP): Unlike the PPP, the PTP are specifically linked to a particular subject-related module that is specified by the curriculum. The PTP is the only examination performance there. The PTPs are found in the third, fifth, sixth and seventh semesters.
The lecture component of these modules is comparatively small, since an essential task of all students in these modules is to apply topics from the theory-based content to a concrete theory-practice transfer with reference to the respective partner companies. The processing of these PTPs already begins during the lecture period in order to ensure close integration between the learning locations of the university and companies/institutions, and ends in the practical phase following the respective theory block
Since the PTPs serve not least to practice scientific methods in practice, three of them are located in modules of the module area Methods of Social Work. The fourth and last one is the content of the module Fields of Social Work 5, an elective module that students can select with regard to their concrete professional activity.
Compulsory elective modules
There are four compulsory elective modules that you can choose individually:
- Social management,
- Communication and Interaction,
- Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence,
- Prevention and protection concepts
Additional qualifications
Bachelor thesis and colloquium
You've almost made it in the last semester: Now you have to master the Bachelor's thesis and the colloquium.
With the Bachelor's thesis, you prove that you are able to work independently on an application-related problem from a social work field. All of this is done on a scientific basis within the framework of a defined topic at level 1 of the German Qualifications Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. You have eight weeks to write your Bachelor's thesis.
Finally, after your written work has been assessed, you will take part in the academic colloquium. This is a critical reflection on the contents of your Bachelor's thesis.

The dual degree programme in Social Work concludes with the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Social Work plus state recognition as a social worker or social pedagogue.