Business Administration
Study Business Administration
Study dual
Dual study means that practical training in a company and academic studies at DHSH alternate and complement each other. During the three-year degree programme, you spend ten weeks per semester at the DHSH to learn marketing, accounting and other subjects. The rest of the time you work at your chosen partner company - and get your own salary right from the start!
That's what the business studies programme is all about:
Industry focus
Three degrees in three years
In addition to the Bachelor's degree, during the three years at the DHSH you can obtain a vocational qualification and the instructor qualification according to the Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (AEVO). For students of business administration, the training qualifications depend on the industry focus of the partner company. The examination before the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the Chamber of Tax Advisors takes place after 2.5 years.
Best prospects for the future
Companies need employees who know how to put their skills to good use. Successful students who have demonstrated their knowledge and commitment not only at university but already in the company can be sure of the best future opportunities. High acceptance rates and long-standing cooperation with renowned partner companies are proof of this: A dual study programme is the start to a promising professional life.
Study locations
We offer the Bachelor's programme in Business Administration at our three locations in Kiel, Lübeck and Flensburg. In principle, the study programme at the DHSH is a face-to-face programme. The industry specialisations take place as online courses with attendance components.
Credit Points
180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) are required for the Bachelor's degree. As this is a dual study programme, the practical phases of the study programme in companies are an important component. The distribution of the modules including the Bachelor's thesis and the colloquium in relation to the ECTS is as follows:
⋅ Compulsory modules: 110
⋅ Compulsory elective modules: 40
⋅ Practical phase projects: 18
⋅ Bachelor thesis and colloquium: 12
Course of studies
The three years of study are each divided into two study semesters. Each semester is divided into a practical part in the company (practical phase) and a theoretical part at the Schleswig-Holstein Cooperative State University (theory phase). You can find the exact schedule here.